Tuesday, June 28, 2011

7th Week Post Circumcision

Hello, and today marks the complete 7th week following my adult circumcision procedure, 49 full days have gone by.

Al though my healing process has been slow thus far (in terms of swelling & frenulum), this past week has been the best yet. I feel my penis becoming more and more normal, pain is a distant memory, and I can get erections throughout the day normally which feel great. Having the head exposed also produces erotic and pleasurable feelings I have never been able to experience when it was hyper sensitive and always trapped behind the dreaded foreskin. I can only imagine how good oral sex and regular sex will be, and I will experience this very soon.

Symptoms this past week:
- Erections come normally and feel great; masturbation is very pleasurable and is producing intense orgasms
- Swelling is unfortunately still there, but it is gradually subsiding
- The swollen ring has become much more soft and stretchable
- The frenulum area is about 95% healed, there is just a small area of white-ish skin in the process of being fully generated and cornified

Here are some pictures:

You can compere these to how my penis looked before circumcision. One thing I'd like to mention is that my length is not 100% back yet. The swelling is still preventing my penis to be 100% normally figured. It is about 1 inch shorter, but thicker than it usually is. Honestly I wouldn't mind if it remained 1 inch shorter because having the head painlessly exposed, and the look & functionality are already MUCH better than before I was circumcised in my opinion.

I'd also like to specifically respond to a comment I received last night which I thought described exactly how I felt before I took the plunge:

"Thanks for continuing to update. Im interested in how this works out. I have same problem where the foreskin does not normally go back and I can only get it back if i force it and even then its pretty hard. And for the last year ive been dealing with this white stuff that smells really bad and is almost always there under the foreskin. It looked the same as your before your cut. Feel kind of insecure about it and wonder if women think its weird or are turned off by the look. Even taking a piss now is getting to be messy because i guess the skin is stretching and putting the tip at a weird shape to it sprays like a broken faucet sometimes. So all that makes me consider getting circumcised.

Thats how i found this blog. But from pictures you show and things that are happening to you I just dont think i could do it. I couldnt bare to see it all swolen and cut like that. I get anxiety pretty easily and i think i would trip out if i saw that. I dont do well with anything medical at all. Dont like to see doctors, dont like to hear descriptions of illnesses, dont like to see anything that looks like an injury.. So its either deal with that for what looks like 4 months or so, or deal with these problems forever. Im also really worried about the way it will look after. Ive seen some gruesome pictures on google that totally scared me away from the idea. But im trying to follow your experience and see if its worth doing it in the end. Im only 26 now. But man that looks like so much to go through."

- Anonymous, 26 years old

My Response:

Dear Anonymous,

What your describing are all feelings & symptoms I once felt before I decided to get cut. I pickled over these thoughts for 6 years, waited, and watched my life go by with a lacking sex life, which also causes a lack of self confidence and a reduced quality of life in general. Yes, women do not like this, and you shouldn't either. I understand the anxiety and fear you have of going through with this, but it's extremely important and it can only make your penis better, not worst.

Yes, the first week or two are rather uncomfortable. I'd recommend taking a week off work, seeing a specialist whom you feel comfortable with (a genital reconstructive surgeon, plastic surgeon, or a urologist who routinely performs circumcision with aesthetic concerns in mind). But really, they weren't that bad. You'll be knocked up on pain killers the majority of the first week and the procedure itself is painless and simple. You don't even have to look, and your penis will be in a bandage for up to a week.

I do read back on my posts and I recall how I felt and what was going through my head. Back then, I couldn't locate a single person on the web who documented their post experience with pictures and comments describing what I was going through. That caused more anxiety and made me feel hopeless and terrible. However, if you look at my other comments, as well as my voting poll, more than half the people out there go thru something very similar as I did. I consider my recovery to be worst than most people, and my poll does indicate that. But even then, after a few weeks pain was at 0% and the pain that was there was minimal and more discomforting than real pain. For the past 2-3 weeks, things are surely getting better as the pictures speak for themselves. My urologist told me to expect swelling to go away in 3 months based on my progress. Even though swelling is still there, I feel as if I can have sex now but I will be careful and wait.

To sum this up, yes, if you are going through what you described, do NOT wait any longer and get it done. Just do your homework and be mentally as well as physically prepared. I'm already really regretting not getting this done in my early 20's when I first became aware of my problem. I hope you take the plunge, and if you do, comment somewhere on the web or create a blog if you can. This will help a lot of other people in similar situations. Stay tuned for me documenting my complete recovery.


  1. Hi, i recently got circumcised my self for the same exact reason as you and was wondering weather your erections have returned to their full lengnth? I was just wondering becuase my erections seem to be an inch shorter and I want to to know if swelling has caused this or if maybe the surgeon cut too much off. Thanks, and good luck with the rest of your recovery.

  2. Reading through your blog from week 2 right up to week 7 has been absolutely amazing. Particularly because I got circumcised around 9 days ago. Fortunately I never had any problems with foreskin retraction, it functioned perfectly fine - would retract itself during an erection, did it merely for the hygienic benefits.

    I have not experienced any pains since day 1 - which is great. Although I have been worrying a lot about how my penis will look at the end of this process. Your pictures put me a bit at ease about the look. So, there's a bright shining light at the end of the tunnel.

    Now that you have a brand new penis, I think you must also shave. Would be a nicer sight wouldn't it?

  3. I was just circ'd on the 29th of August. It's only been 14 days, and I find that it is extremely helpful to wear very tight, stretchy underwear with a gauze pad lining it, to soak up any discharge. The amount of discharge coming from my frenulum subsides more and more each day, and the sutures on the top part of my penis have almost completely fallen out except for one. One thing I'd like to say here is, when I first got a glimpse of my freshly cut (infected) penis, I was terrified, and actually cried a little bit in the bathroom of the hospital. But, I can already tell that over the next few weeks, things will get much better, and I won't be afraid of having sex with women at my university as I was last year due to it being extremely painful and uncomfortable. I wish luck to all who have undertaken this procedure, and I would encourage any guy wondering about getting it done to see a doctor, ask their opinion, and by all means get it done because if you have any pain or discomfort from sex it will be well worth it in the long run.

  4. Anayın amı, piç, orospu çocuğu

  5. So you are real American now ? Congratulations, your thing, your decision. I was just thinking which way is better, if parents mutilate it or yourself when you are adult ?? When parents do that, it isn’t your choice so you could put up with that but when you do that as an adult, maybe later in the life, you could be regretful. Same goes for some people when they switch their gender and later in their life some of them feel regretful, commend suicide.
