Monday, June 20, 2011

6th & 5th Week Post Circumcision

So it is now completely 6 weeks after my adult circumcision. I apologize to blog followers for not posting last week, I was out on vacation all week. The healing at this point of course has made an active normal life fully possible (minus the sex).

Swelling Persists

Unfortunately, I'm still swollen and the ring is there. The pictures & symptoms below describe my experience for the past week up til the complete 6th week. The 5th, things slightly improved from the 4th, but not very much, and the progress is very slight now onto the 6th week as well.


- Ring is swollen, but the ring is much more elastic now and it can be stretched easily by manual force whereas before it was very tight

*there's a small black scab on the ring. I masturbated a little harder than I should have and it tore that area a bit. Because of that, that small flesh wound kept generating white tissue for up to a week until it scabbed. I'd highly advise being extremely careful masturbating.

- Swelling underneath the frenulum area on the under side of the penis is still there. The white tissue is also still there but it has definitely reduced and looks like it should completely go away in a week

- Penis head seems to be about 80% keratanized. I can touch it and let ti rub against any type of underwear, fabric and it feels absolutely fine. What a feeling this is, I never thought this was possible when I had an extremely sensitive head pre-circumcision.

- Full erections don't hurt as much. Being fully erect also feels great and having having the keratanized head exposed is great. I will take pictures of my erect state shortly.

- Light masturbation is now possible without pain, but still need to be careful and use a lot of mental stimulation

Urologist Commentary

So I visited my urologist before I went on vacation. Regarding my swelling, he indicated this is mild lymphedema and can continue for up to 3-5 months, but based on my progress he said it should be completely gone by 3 months. This is terrible news, but I'm half way there and I have to live with it. Being able to masturbate also makes it bearable.

I also needed to figure out if the white stuff on my penis and tiny flesh wound on the ring would be unsafe to get exposed to ocean/pool water. He said the ocean is filled with bacteria and it is highly recommended to avoid taking that chance. He also explained a lot of pools contain bacteria and that can cause a risk as well that I should probably avoid. Because of this, I unfortunately had to avoid entering water in a tropical place thru out the week. However, I accidentally fell into the ocean off a jet ski and soaked myself completely. It's been 5 days since, no signs of infection at all. I did apply anti biotic cream daily to the area after that, which could have helped. (I also tried looking for water proof underwear but such a thing does not exist).


  1. hey just like to say keep up the good blog, i got circ a week ago now and i seam to be going though a similer thing as you, reasuring to know its all expected and nothing much to worry about :)

  2. no problem. this is my way of giving back to the internet. i thank all of the other people who have created blogs, forums, etc. posting info about circumcision. it really helped me research and go thru with circumcision.

    1. guys im going for my fifth week at yet my swelling has just reduce itself by a tad, it is frustrating because my friends healed in they 3rd week and we all got circumcise @ the same place, what should i do guys help here

    2. im literally in a crisis folks

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I just got circumcised yesterday! I currently still bandaged up and havn't seen operation area yet. I wil l removed the in a couple of hours. How long was it before you all had sex with your spouse? Ps thank God for the internet! Your experience has been helpful.
    Please answer the question for me by email

  5. I'm on my 1st 10 days & i must say i'm really amazed by the speedily healing process, the swell has subsided tremendously. I think i'll be fully recovered within a week o two....thanks for the blog admin
