Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 weeks Post Circumcision

So it's been exactly 4 weeks, and I am approaching a full month in a few days.

Updates from last week:

  • Incision line healed
  • Virtually pain free, al though head is still a little tender
  • Swelling still exists, it slightly went down from last week
  • Morning erections aren't really bothersome anymore, I can sleep through it now for the most part
  • Frenulum area is still regenerating tissue, some white tissue is still there

Masturbating while Swollen Post Circumcision

When I masturbate and extend to full length, it feels really tight. This is probably from the swelling. Also, when I ejaculate like that, it kind of hurts and it pumps a blank first, then shoots the rest out in several squirts. All the remaining semen takes a few minutes to ooze out as my erection fades.

The swollen ring's tissue also kind of ripped from stretching and/or masturbating, it is scabbing up and/or leaking a little lymph as well.

Note: I was also under extreme stress this past week (unrelated to circumcision reasons) nearly everyday. I have heard stress is detrimental to healling so I'm sure because of this it has slowed my healing over the past week, which is a pity. However, this week and the next should be fine and the stress should be gone now. I hear exercise also promotes blood flow, could help with swelling, and facilitate a quicker healing process. I have resumed exercising just a few days ago


  1. im 25, and i just had my circumcision 2 days ago due to tight foreskin opening... i still not sure exactly how mine looks like coz its still being bandaged, it good that u started this blog so i can compare mine with yours... =)
    by the way, the only issue im having now is peeing... i just couldnt pee in one direction, it just goes in different and unexpected direction, is it normal? is it because of the swelling?

  2. Yes its absolutely normal. It will get better in a day once the bandage if off.

  3. yes, you'll be able to pee normal in a few days.. that's how long it took me. al though just to be sure, i sat down to pee for i think up to 2 weeks!

  4. Hi, i’m 35 and had my circ in London, just 5 days after yours. So far, my experience has been quite similar to yours, so reading your blog is like ‘knowing my future’ for the next 5 days, ja ja. The only difference is that my surgeon used a kind of ‘glue’ all around the circumcision line. This glue kept together both sides of the skin and i didn't need as many stitches as in a normal circ. I think that’s a great advantage in terms of pain/discomfort after the procedure. I didn't have any pain at all... not even with erections. The second advantage is just a better cosmetic result, the glue makes possible to get a perfect line.
    Swelling is similar to yours. I spoke with my surgeon today and he just told me that is perfectly normal and it will go down with time ( ‘I promise it will’ he said, ja ja ). In theory I could be able to have sex in a couple of weeks (not before, because it is still healing inside) and swelling will improve as soon as I get active... but slowly. So i’ll try to be patience by now.
    Thank you very much for your blog. It’s been very useful, specially during the first three weeks. Hope you continue updating it.

  5. hey it's been almost two weeks from your last update. can you post some pictures?

  6. LC - glad i can provide some information to you to help you anticipate what is to come. honestly, i think my healing progress is on the bad side compared to most people. that's also why i added the poll on this blog, to help people know how this compares to others.

    anyways, wow i am fascinated about the glue. considering you're in the UK, I'd imagine adult circumcision is much more common there than the states where most people have been circed as babies. THus, it is probably more advanced and has evolved further than the states. I got mine done by Dr. Harold Reed - a famous surgeon in Miami, Florida. Most feedback I can find is positive, however, he is 70 years old and that did scare me a bit..

    Anyway, I will continue updating it. And please feel free to update on your progress too. This will be helpful for other viewers here.

    John - already done
